Nicholas DeSola

Nicholas DeSola
Director of Client Relations and Firm Operations
Kleinman Lessmann Injury Attorneys
954.588.0505 mobile
561.708.4038 direct
561.226.2577 fax
Nick is the Director of Firm Operations and Client Relations. In addition to decades of healthcare and personal injury experience, Nick brings extensive knowledge of personal injury and victims’ rights in Florida to KL Injury Attorneys. Prior to joining The Firm, Nick worked for a large personal injury practice helping them achieve unparalleled results for clients.
Nick’s natural gift is his community service and relationship development. He advocates for individuals who have suffered as a result of a personal injury incident. Nick is usually one of the first members of The Firm’s team to communicate and help clients shortly after an accident or incident. He provides clients with information and guidance they need when they need it most, including explaining their rights and what clients should do based on the type of incident. Nobody is better than Nick at keeping things simple and easy for clients following an accident. He works tirelessly to help clients get the care and compensation they deserve.
Nick was born on Long Island, where he still spends time during the summer with his family – wife Heather, and three children, Nicholas, Andrew and Liella. Nick is a prominent member of his community, volunteering much of his time to his children’s academic and sports achievements. Nick travels the country with his son Nicholas, who is a prodigious state-level athlete.